
Idioms about Fear and Anxiety

1. Bundle of Nerves: Merasa sangat gugup, tegang, atau khawatir

Ex: People usually get a bundle of nerves before doing public speaking.


2. Heebie-jeebies: Keadaan khawatir, gugup, atau cemas

Ex: Having to go alone through empty streets at night gives me the heebie-jeebies.


3. Ignorance is bliss: Ketidaktahuan terhadap fakta menghilangkan kekhawatiran

Ex: He didn’t know that she was the perpetrator – ignorance is bliss!


4. (like a) cat on hot bricks: Sangat gugup dan gelisah

Ex: A day before the results of ITP TOEFL test were published, Hana was like a cat on hot bricks.

Update terus kampung inggris mahesa biar makin pinter !

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